Protecting Your Corporate Name


 Protecting Your Corporate Name

This article will provide information about how to protect the name of your company, as well as some helpful tips and tricks on how to go about doing so.

If you are working with a new business, this article will give you an overview on the basics of getting your partnership off the ground. It is important to get started down the path of protecting your big idea right from day one — before it is stolen from you!

Helpful Hints for Protecting Your Corporate Name:
- Registering your name with a domain registrar (like Go Daddy) often only takes a few minutes.  
- Create a website about the business and list the business name and address. This does not cost much (a few dollars) but it's one way to show others you are serious about your new business.
- Find out who else is doing what you do, what they are called, who they sell to or who buys from them.  
- Use Google Alerts to find out what other companies are talking about in relation to your company or industry.  
- Look up patent searches and trademark websites and see if there are already similar businesses in existence with your company name.  

- If there are already similar businesses running, consider changing the name of your Amazon business to include something unique like: "Amazon Sellers United".  
- Make a Facebook page, Twitter and Flickr account for your business.  
- Create a video introduction to your business.  
- If you are selling through an online store, it is important to verify with the host of your website that you have trademarked the name of your company and the actual product name on each product listing.  
- If you are selling through Amazon, make sure that each item is properly labeled with the company name and it's trademarked trademark — which can be searched for on Google.  For example: “Amazon Sellers United” or “Amazon Sellers United’s Ultimate Body Butter” (not: "Ultimate Body Butter") or
- If you are using the name of your company for marketing purposes (i.e. in articles, blogs, or on social networking sites), it is important to use the correct spelling and punctuation when spelling out the name of your company, website address, product names and trademarked trademarks that are identical to your company name.
- As new products become available on your website or Amazon store, you will want to make sure that these products each have their own ISBN number instead of just one ISBN number for all the new products.  
- You will need to do a trademark search and/or brand protection search on business name, product name, and trademarked trademarks.  
- If you are using "Amazon Sellers United" as your company name, you will want to make sure that all of your product listings have the product names spelled out correctly in all caps for the UPPERCASE letters.  
- The Google Shopping website allows you to get a list of businesses that have similar names to yours. This is very helpful because it can help you identify any legal issues and protect yourself on one side as well as build trust with potential customers on the other side — all in one place.  
*** Copyright © Amazon Sellers United 2013. All Rights Reserved. Amazon Sellers United is an Amazon company and sells through Amazon.
The following article was written by a firm that assists business owners in staying ahead of the game when it comes to protecting their brand name, trademarks, and website from unauthorized uses. Their tools will help you greatly with this task!
Please see their helpful infographic below for more information on how to protect your brand name.
Source for Infographic:
- Protecting Your Name: A Quick Guide to Protecting Your Brand, Names, and Brands
- Tips, Tricks, and Advice for Protecting Your Name
- Copyright © 2012 Brand Protection Team. All Rights Reserved. This article may NOT be copied, resold, or redistributed in whole or in part on any website without express written permission from Author . Please contact author at with any questions. Questions about this article? Click here for answers to Frequently Asked Form...
- Copyright © 2013 Brand Protection Team. All Rights Reserved. This article may NOT be copied, resold, or redistributed in whole or in part on any website without express written permission from Author . Please contact author at with any questions. Questions about this article? Click here for answers to Frequently Asked Form...
- Copyright © 2014 Brand Protection Team. All Rights Reserved. This article may NOT be copied, resold, or redistributed in whole or in part on any website without express written permission from Author . Please contact author at with any questions. Questions about this article? Click here for answers to Frequently Asked Form...
- Copyright © 2015 Brand Protection Team . All Rights Reserved. This article may NOT be copied, resold, or redistributed in whole or in part on any website without express written permission from Author . Please contact author at with any questions. Questions about this article? Click here for answers to Frequently Asked Form...
- Copyright © 2016 Brand Protection Team . All Rights Reserved . This article may NOT be copied, resold, or redistributed in whole or in part on any website without express written permission from Author . Please contact author at with any questions. Questions about this article? Click here for answers to Frequently Asked Form...
- Copyright © 2017 Brand Protection Team Inc. All Rights Reserved. This article may NOT be copied, resold, or redistributed in whole or in part on any website without express written permission from Author . Please contact author at with any questions. Questions about this article? Click here for answers to Frequently Asked Form...
- Copyright © 2018 Brand Protection Team Inc. All Rights Reserved. This article may NOT be copied, resold, or redistributed in whole or in part on any website without express written permission from Author . Please contact author at with any questions. Questions about this article? Click here for answers to Frequently Asked Form...
- Copyright © 2019 Brand Protection Team Inc. All Rights Reserved. This article may NOT be copied, resold, or redistributed in whole or in part on any website without express written permission from Author . Please contact author at with any questions. Questions about this article? Click here for answers to Frequently Asked Form...
- Copyright © 2020 Brand Protection Team Inc. All Rights Reserved. This article may NOT be copied, resold, or redistributed in whole or in part on any website without express written permission from Author . Please contact author at with any questions. Questions about this article? Click here for answers to Frequently Asked Form...
- Copyright © 2021 Brand Protection Team Inc. All Rights Reserved. This article may NOT be copied, resold, or redistributed in whole or in part on any website without express written permission from Author .

Conclusion: as you can see from all the additional details above, registering your trademark is not a quick and easy process. That does not mean it is not worth your time or money. If you want to protect yourself and grow a sustainable business, you need to protect your brand name and trademark.

Copyright © 2019 Brand Protection Team . All Rights Reserved . This article may NOT be copied, resold, or redistributed in whole or in part on any website without express written permission from Author . Please contact author at with any questions. Questions about this article? Click here for answers to Frequently Asked Form...

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