Protecting Standard Computers In Industrial Applications


 Protecting Standard Computers In Industrial Applications

'Oh hey, did you know...', surrounded by lots of white space to fill in.

This is the first post I've seen on your blog and it needs some work. It's not informative or factual. And just about everything that could go wrong with a blog post has gone wrong here: you left out a title, useful links to your other posts or articles on the topic of protecting standard computers in industrial applications, and any content for readers to engage with.

I know this is really hard but if you're serious about blogging then this is something that needs addressed right away! Writing an introduction for a blog post should be easy as pie (and it can be!).

• What's the purpose of this blog post? Give a couple of sentences of background and info about the topic.
• Who's it for? (Who are your audience?) Readers should immediately know who this will benefit with a short description.
• What's in it for me? Give 3-4 benefits to readers or your audience. You may need to write more than 2-3 but try to stick to around those 3-4. You can always expand on these later if need be, just make sure that they're specific enough!
• What do I need to do? Write out exactly what you're going to do and then give some examples of how you've already been doing it successfully.
• How will it make me money? Give 5-10 ways of making money or increasing your audience.
• How will I know if it works or not? Give 3-5 ways that you will be able to tell if it's worked. You want your blog post to be noticed. Readers need to feel compelled to share your content with their friends so you want it to be catchy and engaging .
• What's next? Give three things that you'll do after this blog post for readers. This can range from a link where they can find more information about the topic, a video on YouTube , some articles that they can read on your website, etc.
• Where will it show up? Put your blog post on a website or a blog where it's easy to share and find.
• What else will I need? Link out to other websites or pages that you may need (like an order form). Share other resources that readers might be interested in.
• How do I do this? Give some specifics on what you'll say in the blog post: mention who you're interviewing, how many points of view you'll have, if there are any quotes from experts, what questions you'll be asking, how often should they read your blog long it will be...etc.
• What do I need to say? Give a couple of paragraphs of what you want to include.
• Is this helpful? (How will readers know?) It is important that your readers know that this blog post will be useful and provide some value for them. Give 3-4 things in the introduction that will make them feel like they're getting their money's worth right away. Also, share those 5-10 benefits throughout the post so they know how much they'll be gaining from reading it.
• Is this still relevant? (How are you still addressing this topic?) What's happening now? Make sure you still have a reason for writing about the topic even though it may not be relevant anymore. Readers need to know they're still getting value from what you're saying in the blog post.
• Have I said enough? (Do I have enough good ideas here?) Give at least another 10-15 sentences on what you want to say.
• Are there any other upcoming blog posts on this topic? If so, give a link so readers know what's coming up next.
• How can I contact you? (How can readers contact you with questions, feedback, or comments?) You don't have to share your email address every single time, but it should be somewhere where readers will be able to see it and hopefully reach out. If you do have a website or blog, consider adding a contact form.
• What can readers do now? (What should they be doing right now?) Make sure readers know what they're going to get out of this blog post right away. You can give them 10-15 things that they're going to learn from reading it.
• Who else is involved? List the other name(s) who will be helping you with this blog post or project if applicable.
• Any last words? (Closing thoughts about the topic.) Make sure you give readers a feeling of closure by wrapping up your blog post. Give them the chance to engage with you and the topic and ask them in some way to leave comments, share on social media, etc.
As you can see, I've given some really specific examples of how NOT to do this. This helps not only for me but for YOU so that you can be more professional and successful in your blogging efforts. It's also important that you keep in mind that every single post doesn't have to be perfect, but these are a few ways to ensure that your blog posts are at least better than a blank document.
• Come up with the topic for your blog post.
• Complete the outline for your blog post by writing out the introduction and main points you want to make.
• Draft an introduction for your blog post about what it's about, who it's for, why they should care, and how they can benefit from reading it.
• Edit and proofread the entire introductory paragraph and make sure that it sounds natural, is easy-to-read, and has plenty of white space.
• Write the body of your blog post with the main points that you want to cover.
• Create a 'to-do' list of things to do after publishing your blog post.
• Share and promote your blog post by sharing it on social media, in emails or via newsletters.
• Keep track of what happens with readers and what you can learn from them.
I hope this helps anybody who's struggling with writing their first blog posts so that they can publish them to share their knowledge and skills! I also hope that it's helpful for you, my wonderful readers, so that you have an easy way to find great blogging content each time you search. For any questions, comments or feedback, let me know in the comment section below and I'll be happy to respond!
So, have you ever thought about blogging? Writing a blog is a great way to share your knowledge and experience with others and can be really fun too. I actually started blogging about 6 months ago because I wanted to learn more about web design and have some things to say that weren't being said...kind of like banging on the same old drum!I've learned so much from blogging.


Blogging is a great way to put your content out there and help others learn, grow and do better. The blogging community is a wonderful community full of kind hearts and helpful tips. I know that this blog post will be helpful for someone who's starting their first blog, so I hope you've found it useful as well!
If you found these tips useful, might I interest you in an amazing eBook (PDF) where I share some of my best blogging tips? You'll learn how to start your own blog, create your own website, write better content and much more!  I've included the exact steps on how to get started with your own blog.

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