When shopping for a car or any other major purchase, it's important to make sure you get what you're paying for. There are lots of commercial companies out there that offer what's called an extended warranty plan, which is usually touted as an added-value addition to your purchase. However, these companies often take advantage of consumers when it comes to their contracts and warranty policies. You see, these companies want to be in business, so they need to provide a certain amount of coverage for their products. However, when you get into the details of their contracts and policies, you'll quickly find the terms that are most favorable to them. That's because, generally speaking, these warranties are riddled with loopholes that leave consumers on the hook for a lot of money.

The problem is that these companies use marketing tactics to deceive consumers into believing they're getting more than what they pay for. Check out below how some of these companies play every consumer for a fool:
1. You won't have any coverage if your car experiences damage due to lack of wear and tear or accident-related damage 2. You won't have any coverage if you don't pay your bill on time, or respond to their calls. 3. In the event the car is damaged beyond repair now, they will require you to fork over a large amount of money to fix it before they'll give you any assistance. 4. You won't have any coverage in the event of a liability accident if the car was already damaged prior 5. You won't have any coverage if your vehicle is stolen 6. In some cases, these companies will even take back claims after you've paid for repairs already 7 . 8 .
For more information on how to avoid being taken advantage of by "extended warranty" companies, please visit this link:
You can also check this link out as well:
As always, thanks for reading and please feel free to comment or share this article with your friends and family! I would love to hear your thoughts! Also, I'd be interested in hearing from you regarding the "extended warranty" scams that you may have previously encountered. So please do not hesitate to contact me at [email protected] with your experiences. Having said that, I encourage you to get a copy of my book, "The Big FAT Lawsuit: Trying To Sue A Major Manufacturer Of Automotive Parts, And Winning," which will be released soon.
Thanks for reading!
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A law firm specializing in product liability cases for consumers who have been injured by defective products and/or unsafe work conditions.
Shur-Lipstein Law, LLC
914 West Oak Street
Spokane, WA 99201
Phone: 509-325-5282
Fax: 509-325-4867
Email: [email protected]  (Please include your email address when you contact us for the quickest response)
The editor of this website is a former Spokane County Superior Court Judge.   He is a veteran trial attorney with 40 years experience handling civil cases and has won over $100 million in verdicts and settlements. Mr. Shur always fights to get his clients "Money Back" for their injuries and wants to help you get the same result! Sorry, but we are unable to answer legal questions via email. Please refer them to an attorney for assistance.   If you need legal assistance, please call our firm for a free consultation at (509) 325-5282.
The author is an attorney and the past president of Product Liability Attorneys of America – Spokane Chapter . He also served as a County Court Commissioner. He is also the editor of , which is dedicated to informing consumers about the latest product liability cases nationwide, as well as offering readers important legal tips and strategies. Follow on Twitter: @ShurLipstein (
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Disclaimer – This article is not intended to give legal advice and only relates to the laws of the State of Washington. This article provided for general information purposes only. A reader who has legal concerns regarding his/her individual situation should consult a competent attorney for the reader's specific situation. This article is not necessarily applicable to other states and their laws, as each state has different laws that might be applied in similar situations, so no list can be all inclusive. If you have any questions about the above, please feel free to contact me. Thank you for your understanding and have a great day!
The author does not represent or warrant that the information in this article is accurate, complete, or current. The author is not responsible for errors, omissions or any change in events in this article due to reasons beyond his control. The author intends to keep the information contained herein as up-to-date and accurate as possible but will not be liable for any loss, damage or injury caused by errors, omissions or any changes due to reasons beyond his control. This article provides only general information regarding product liability claims. Nothing in this article should be taken as legal advice for any individual case. If you have any specific questions regarding your case, you should seek legal advice from a competent attorney before taking any action. The author encourages all his readers to read the following article:
This is the official blog of Shur-Lipstein Law, LLC . Here, you will find articles relating to product liability claims and other regulations that affect consumers like you and me.
This is a general information blog and does not constitute legal advice for individual cases or jurisdictions.

"You are not only going to get sued, you're going to be sued several times by different law firms who are all claiming that their clients were injured by the same product. The problem is, you won't know which of them is right and which is wrong. You also won't know who's responsible for exposing the client to the danger in the first place. All you'll have is a lot of lawyers making a lot of money without doing any actual work." 
-Attorneys Andersen & Castaneda
During a recent trip to Iowa, I was fortunate enough to interview Attorney Martin Lipstein . He has been practicing law since 1986 and was admitted into practice in Washington State in 1994.

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