Internet Marketer Gets $87 Million in Google Pay-Per-Click Ads FREE!
I've been learning more and more about Internet Marketing over the last year. I started off by reading books, then moved on to taking seminars with online marketers who had much more experience than me.
One of the things I learned was that it's essential to have a website with Google AdSense ads that monetize your website. Otherwise, you're missing out on a lot of potential revenue. But one thing has really confused me: Why are some websites getting hundreds of thousands or even millions in free Google AdSense ads?
I started researching this topic and found out some things which were really interesting: First, there is no such thing as "free". Google (or any other online marketer) is only giving away something for "free" if they're going to make more money in the long run.
Second, I found out why some websites have tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands or even MILLIONS in free Google AdSense ads . . . and it's not because the website owners are just lucky.
Anyways, what I'm about to share with you could be worth a MILLION DOLLARS to you over your lifetime. The more this information is shared, the better — because it could literally change your life forever if you use it right.
So let me give you a brief overview of how this works. But before I do, make sure you follow me on Facebook right here:
In order to provide high quality content, websites need to have banner ads on their site. Otherwise the website owners won't be able to pay for high quality articles and other website content which is essential for the website's success.
Most website owners use ad services like Google AdSense or Chitika or any other AdSense replacement service to display ads on their sites because it's free and easy.
But how does it work?
If you're not familiar, it works like this: Google charges advertisers a certain amount of money per click. For example, 1 cent per click. So if the advertiser wants to display an ad on 1000 websites and they're paying 1 cent per click, they pay $100 to Google and in return the ad is displayed on 1000 websites.
Now here's where the free part comes into play: "Google pays you" when people click on banner ads on your website. Let's say people click on 6 ads out of 10 or 12 ads on your website every day (pretty typical). So one day they'll make $50, then another day they'd make $20, then another day they'd make nothing.
The only problem is that you're not getting paid anything because you're not the one running the AdSense ads. It's Google who's running them on YOUR website, so you get nothing — regardless of how many people click on the ads.
Google is making money in two ways: 1) They charge advertisers to display ads 2) They pay website owners according to the amount of clicks their website gets.
So now that we understand how this all works, let me give you an example of what I did . . . . .
I created a new website called "Search Engine Cash Machine" ( and I hired an SEO company to optimize the website and get it ranking well in Google.
Here's what happened:
I spent about 8 months trying to get SEMCAMS ranked #1 for specific keywords on Google. And let me tell you, it was almost impossible, especially because I only spent about $300 or so per month and my main keyword was getting between 5-10 monthly organic searches — which equals thousands of monthly searches. That's a LOT of search traffic that most local businesses are not going to have access too. So what did I do? . . . . I started running Google AdSense ads on SEMCAMS.
Here's what happened:
I started running Google AdSense ads with a CPA of $1, which means I was only paying 1 cent per click. And as you can see in the screenshot above, I started making $100s and $200s each day. It really started to add up and after about 3 months, I was making over $10,000 PER MONTH with Google AdSense alone! And guess what? This website was getting between 5-10 monthly organic searches — which equals thousands of monthly searches. So it's no surprise why this is working so well. Why did it work so well? . . . . Because you're getting "two services" from Google for the price of one. You're getting your website ranked high on Google AND you're getting your first page filled with ads for the price of one!
Let me tell you, this is really working. I've been using SEMCAMS as a testing site and it actually learned something: If I let Google run my ads, they'll be able to fill up my first pages with relevant ads that are much more targeted than what I could ever do myself.
Most people waste their time and money by trying to build websites and fill them with banner ads. But the thing is, it's very hard to get high traffic websites ranked well in Google unless you have a lot of money to spend on SEO/PPC.
But if you run Google AdSense banner ads on your website and let Google do the work for you, then you'll actually make tons of money each month — even if your website isn't that popular on the search engines.
So that's why I started running Google AdSense ads on SEMCAMS.
You could do the same thing and start making a lot of money from Google. I've seen many sites like mine who ran AdSense ads and first page Google search ads (that's the #1 spot for certain keywords that you want to show up in). Within two weeks, these sites started getting thousands of visitors each day — sometimes even tens of thousands or hundreds of thousands of visitors per day! Now this is really good news for you because you're earning money while doing absolutely nothing except having your computer sit there and run your Google AdSense ads.
If you're a website owner and you want to make a lot of money from your website, then this information is for you. Many website owners are making thousands and even millions of dollars each month from AdSense alone.
So whether you're a blogger or someone who runs an ecommerce site — Google's AdSense ads can literally change your life forever. You just need to do what I've done and start running Google AdSense ads on your website!
(hint: use one of my free "Google AdSense" web template designs or just find another free template)
I hope this article helped.
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