How To Be An Insurance Agent Without Cold Calling


 How To Be An Insurance Agent Without Cold Calling

You don't have to be a sleazy salesperson like those you see pitching insurance over the phone, late at night. In fact, you can maintain your dignity and integrity and still make a good living as an insurance agent. Take the following tips into account as a starting point for turning your career in this direction:

-Look for ways to tell prospects why they should work with you and not another agent without coming off pushy or aggressive. One way is to offer free information about their particular coverage needs. Another is to provide an update on the latest policies relevant to them such as special discounts or new regulations.

-Be sure to have samples of your literature available so prospects can look through them and easily ask questions about anything they don't understand. You could even set up a display for them, showing the benefits and coverage options available.

-If you don't get many responses to your calls, you might want to consider changing the way you pitch your services over the phone. You might want to try having a script that is conversational in tone so prospects feel more comfortable with you. Also, be sure that when prospect ask how long it will take for them to get a quote, tell them only that you will call back in 15 minutes or so. This will help you get them on the phone in the first place, and if they don't pick up the second time, or as an alternative, try sending them a quick email instead.

-Be sure to do your homework when it comes to offering different types of coverage to clients. It will absolutely make a difference in the way you talk to people about what you can do for them and how likely they are to listen and decide to do business with you. This is the heart of building trust with your clients. If you take time to get this right it will pay off in spades later on.

-Build good rapport with clients by sending them offers and information about new products you think will be of interest to them. This will increase the chances of them calling you if they have a question about anything related to the policy, such as reimbursement for treatment they received from a specialist.

-Be sure to follow up with clients you spoke with regarding possible coverage but whom decided not to purchase anything at the time. Send them updates on any changes in their situation such as their health or home value, that may make additional coverage more beneficial than before. Also, ask if they are happy with their current agent or if they are getting what they were expecting from their coverage and adjust your approach accordingly.

-Whenever possible, offer to call clients from your own phone line or answer calls on their behalf. This will give you an opportunity to learn about the type of coverage they are seeking and how well they understand it. By doing this, prospects will feel that you are really interested in them as a person and have their best interests at heart.

-Be sure to ask for references from previous clients when requesting a quote or doing business with them. This is especially important if they bought from a firm that was not yours but is the same general type of business like many other insurance companies are. You can also ask for referrals from your own clients whenever they are happy with the service you have provided.

-Be sure to build your customer base by taking time to ask them questions about their needs and preferences. You could even offer to help them review their current policy or carry out an investigation into their coverage options. Through this process, you will learn the most important information needed in order to make a good first impression on new prospects.

-Sending out mailers about new products, or simply mailing information updates on the latest rules and regulations will get you noticed by both existing clients and potential new customers who may not be currently looking for insurance but who may later decide that it is something they need and call to inquire about it.

-Make a point out of calling clients and checking in on them after they have received their policy and you are no longer dealing with them. Agree to do this yourself by writing down their name, contact information and your number on a card in case they don't reply to your calls after you've checked on them. This shows your concern for their wellbeing as well as respect for their time.

-Be sure to give clients the information they need that will help them understand coverage that doesn't come with an explanation over the phone. You can learn how to do this over the phone by asking clients for details about themselves, like what kind of medical condition they have or whether or not they are planning to continue working in the future. Make sure to use language they will understand, such as the word "pre" instead of a vague term like "what if".

-Be sure to learn about the policies that clients have with other firms, and potential new ones in which you are interested by calling those companies and asking about the products clients are currently using. You can also check what the company is offering on your behalf directly from them or by getting them to send you information on what their policy covers.

-If you don't know how much coverage someone needs, check out the different types of insurance products available through different sources. You can do this using a variety of methods such as websites like and You can also ask clients to compare the different policies they have access to and call you with recommendations of which ones they like best, based on your analysis of their needs.

-Stick with good clients who are easy to work with and don't give you a lot of trouble so you can build your client base and business over time. For example, if a client seems overly demanding or difficult, suggests that there is some hidden agenda behind the questions they are asking or presents a number of red flags about them, it might be time to seek out new clients who are more receptive to working with you.

-Don't be afraid to start small and target niche groups of potential customers. For example, you may want to begin by focusing on clients who are working with doctors within a certain specialty, or who have specific health conditions which lend themselves to a certain type of coverage. You can also look into getting referrals from other professionals like lawyers and mortgage brokers, since they frequently deal with homeowners who need insurance as well.This will allow you to expand your business after you have built up enough trust among your clients.

While some people in the industry may say that insurance agents are not always held in high regard by their clients , building relationships and trustworthy business relationships can help increase your reputation and drive sales opportunities for even more clients over time.


In this article, you have learned about effective techniques and strategies for how to become a successful insurance agent. You now see that the process of becoming an insurance agent is not as difficult as people often assume it is, and on the contrary, can be very rewarding in the long run if you learn to cultivate relationships with your clients. To learn more about related topics regarding how to become a successful independent insurance agent or how to start an independent insurance agency, be sure to browse our site's full array of articles.

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