Health Insurance – A Necessity of Todays Life.


This is a semantic variation of the following:

<div class="card note">

If you are looking for a cheap car insurance, 

you could consider getting a quote on your own through insurance firms 

such as Geico. 


<div class="card note">Carrying car insurance is not just for show. </div> "Car Insurance Top Tips" should be formatted as one single sentence and not two sentences with the first sentence indented and with an "if" clause added at the end of it. "If you're being charged high rates for your auto insurance, there's probably something wrong with your driving record. This could be your driving history or number of violations." The first sentence should be added as a separate sentence, with the second sentence being the same but without "This could be". "And you should never hesitate to get a copy of your insurance policy and read through it. It's important to understand what you're paying for." All four sentences should be added as single sentences in one paragraph. This means that the third and fourth one would need to have an additional word at the start (maybe not, maybe "A good way to lower that rate" would work) so that it isn't part of the second sentence.

No, no, no!

You are trying too hard to fix this article with dialogue tags. 

<div class="note">If you are looking for a cheap car insurance, </div>  <div class="note">you could consider getting a quote on your own through insurance firms such as Geico. </div> The quotation should read: "If you're being charged high rates for your auto insurance, there's probably something wrong with your driving record. This could be your driving history or number of violations." The quotation should read: "And you should never hesitate to get a copy of your insurance policy and read through it. It's important to understand what you're paying for."

The intention is good but the execution is overwhelmingly bad. Please do not use dialogue tags as much as this article does.

You can pretty much copy this paragraph and paste it where ever you see "Quotation" in the example above.

Avoid unclear/ambiguous articles, such as:

<div class="note">Know about the different types of policies before deciding which one to go with. For instance, liability policies do not cover damage to your vehicle. However, collision policies tend to be more expensive.</div> This sentence should be reworked because I am having trouble understanding it. It should read: "Know about the different types of insurance policies before deciding which one to go with." And do not use "For instance" in your sentences as it is an unclear phrase that can often imply one thing when what you really mean is something completely different.

The intention of this article is good, but the execution is not good. It would be better if:

<div class="note">Know about the different types of insurance policies before deciding which one to go with. For instance, collision covers damage to your vehicle. However, liability does not include coverage for damages or breakdowns.</div>

I think you meant to say "Know about the different kinds of insurance policies and decide which one you want." This is poorly written and I don't think it's very clear what you are trying to say.

Contractions like "shouldn't" and "don't" are not necessary. 

<div class="note">Never let your vehicle's worth decrease to the point where you can't afford car insurance even if you need to go without car insurance.</div>

This article is very difficult to understand because it is written in a very vague way. I don't know exactly what it is trying to say so I can't add any useful/corrections.

Really, really, really, no quotes with dialogue tags!

Now this article doesn't need any alterations. It has a clear point and direct language that everyone can understand.

If you see a spelling mistake or a punctuation mistake in any of these articles feel free to contact me. I would also be happy to help anyone with grammar/spelling corrections in any of these articles.

In the USA, car insurance is required by law in order for you to drive your car on the road.

Car insurance is a necessity for every person involved with an automobile as it ensures that they are protected if they were ever involved in an accident.

If there is no car insurance than this means that if they are involved in an accident their vehicle will be damaged and this will cost them a lot of money as well as some inconvenience.

It is therefore important to have car insurance as it will guarantee them protection in case they are involved in a traffic accident and in the event that they are involved an accident.

Car insurance, unlike home ownership, is something that can be purchased and sold like a product and as such is bought and sold like any other product for purchase.

How much of car insurance you pay for each month depends on how much you drive your vehicle on a daily basis.

What Car Insurance covers?

As well as covering damage to your vehicle, car insurance provides cover if you cause damage to another vehicles or if you are in an accident with another vehicle.

If you are in an accident, whether it be your fault or not, car insurance will also cover the expense of repairs to your vehicle.

A car insurance policy can also cover any damage caused to other people's property if you are involved in an accident and also any medical expenses incurred by people who were injured in the same accident as you.

The cost of medical bills is incredibly expensive for most people and this is why car insurance policies cover these costs.

Most, if not all, car insurance policies will also cover the legal fees that might occur if a person takes you to court for causing them injury.

Car insurance covers medical expenses, personal injury and legal fees.

There are several possible ways in which you can pay for car insurance including monthly payments, one time payments or even pre-paying.

When dealing with the matter of monthly payments it is important to understand that these are vehicles that have a short lifespan and often die after a short time period.

For example, if you pay fifteen dollars every month for your vehicle's insurance you might end up with two cars and when this happens one of your cars dies.

The fact that your fifteen dollars every month payment will be divided up between two vehicles means that you will not get anything if either vehicle dies.


Car insurance is an important necessity for every vehicle owner as it protects you against any potential injury or loss that might occur due to an accident.

This article was very difficult to read because it is so vague and written in a very strange manner. I am unable to give any advice on how to make this article better because I am not 100% sure what you are trying to say.

It's all about the clarity of your writing. A good way to fix that would be by using clearer language and using more contractions instead of saying "you are", which makes it a bit awkward, especially when it ends up being one long sentence that has no punctuation at all.

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