Abdominoplasty Prices
Generally, a tummy tuck procedure will cost anywhere from $5,000-$15,000 with varying degrees of anesthesia and post-operative therapy. Some people elect to have the surgery performed as an outpatient procedure without any overnight stay necessary. This means that they can typically go home on the same day of their surgery. Alternatively, some people might choose to stay in the hospital for three or four days after their abdominoplasty.
If you're considering a tummy tuck procedure, you'll need to consider several factors, including your desired finished look and what kind of anesthesia is right for you. Abdominoplasty surgery is generally performed under general anesthesia or deep sedation.
Individuals who have the surgery under general anesthesia will most likely stay overnight in the hospital to allow their bodies enough time to recover from the effects of the drugs. If you choose to have deep sedation, expect to be able to go home on the same day as your surgery and have someone drive you home after the procedure is complete.
There are many advantages and disadvantages associated with each type of anesthesia. General anesthesia will allow you to start healing and breaking down scar tissue as soon as possible.
On the other hand, deep sedation will require you to stay in the hospital for a few days after your surgery. As a result, you won't be allowed to drive yourself home from the procedure. Lastly, general anesthesia is very expensive; even for insured patients.
Tummy Tucks - Heavy Bleeding Risk?
As mentioned earlier, heavy bleeding is one of the leading reasons people opt for a tummy tuck procedure; along with dissatisfaction with their current body image and body shape.
Some of the most common signs of heavy bleeding and a possible medical emergency include:
1. The warm water in your tub drains pinkish or light-red hued fluid (usually due to internal bleeding).
2. You have more than 1/2 cup of bleeding when you change your pad.
3. You have large blood clots that are larger than the size of an egg or grapefruit (approximately 1 inch in diameter).
4. You lose consciousness, have difficulty breathing, and start to feel faint or weak from blood loss.
5. Your heart rate goes up rapidly and stays up when you lie down flat after standing for a while (awake EKG test).
6. You have vaginal bleeding after the first two months post surgery, or if you had your uterus removed.
7. You have excessive bleeding when coughing or sneezing, during sexual intercourse and even after bowel movements.
8. Your lower back and/or sides hurt when you stand up from a lying down position.
If any of these signs or symptoms occur, immediately contact your plastic surgeon or a local emergency hospital's emergency room to get medical attention right away for further evaluation and treatment.
Tummy Tucks - Safety & Complications
According to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), abdominoplasty surgery has one of the lowest complications rates in plastic surgery. As such, you can expect to have minor complications like swelling, bruising and fluid leakage from your incision site. Most people who have a tummy tuck recovery go home on the same day or night without any difficulty.
Abdominoplasty is performed under general anesthesia with anesthetic-controlled pain medication; and it would be safe to assume that any hospital experienced in performing tummy tucks will have a qualified anesthesiologist on staff that will monitor your heart rate, blood pressure and oxygen levels during and after the procedure.
As with any surgical procedure, there are some risks involved. Be sure to discuss the possible complications with your surgeon beforehand so that you are aware of each risk and their probability.
Of the actual surgery, there are a few rare complications that may occasionally occur such as:
1. Hematoma – (a pooling of blood outside of a blood vessel) results from bleeding under the skin or in surrounding tissue. The fluid accumulates, forming a mass within the area between the skin and muscle layers.
2. Seroma – A collection of fluid associated with liposuction, commonly found within areas that have been injected with large amounts of fluids or fat such as the abdomen.
3. Infection – If infection occurs, the condition is usually noticed within the first few days, as it will show up as a redness, swelling, warmth and tenderness of the skin.
4. Blood Clot – If a blood clot forms after surgery, it could result in painfully swollen legs or potentially fatal Pulmonary Embolus (PE). To minimize your chances of developing a PE following surgery; your surgeon should have you start taking blood thinners before you leave the hospital or go home following your tummy tuck procedure.
Another important safety factor to consider is the patient's overall health condition. Make sure you have a thorough and complete checkup before your procedure as well as ongoing supportive care (such as nutritional supplements, hydration, rest and bed rest) to help reduce swelling, bruising and pain.
Tummy Tucks - Results
As mentioned earlier, you should expect the abdominoplasty procedure to completely reshape your abdomen; taking away fat deposits that were previously present in the abdominal area. The surgical incisions typically heal using granulation tissue (a type of connective tissue that helps heal wounds and scars), which is similar to a scab.
In most cases, the abdominal muscles will be tightened to help restore the natural flattening of the abdomen after having a baby. You should expect to lose between 10 – 15 lbs. of fat within several weeks of having surgery; however, it's not uncommon for people who have a tummy tuck to lose anywhere from 1 – 10 lbs. (or more) in the first few weeks after your procedure.
As with any weight loss and/or exercise program, results are based on your dedication and determination to carry out an effective diet and exercise plan that is geared towards meeting your personal goals and expectations.
As you can see, tummy tucks are a safe and relatively risk-free procedure. However, you may want to consult with a proven plastic surgeon before you have anything done to your stomach as advancing years, obesity and hereditary health issues may increase your chances of developing complications.
If you are considering having a tummy tuck, keep in mind that it is always important to discuss all aspects of the surgery and potential complications with your plastic surgeon prior to scheduling an appointment. And remember that there are many different anesthesiologists who perform tummy tucks in addition to experienced anesthesiologists; so ensure that the right one is on duty when you undergo your anesthesia for the procedure.
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