Get a Cash Payout On a Structured Settlement


 Get a Cash Payout On a Structured Settlement

There are many structured settlement companies that pay $100,000 or more in cash to the policyholder. In order to be considered for a structured settlement payout program and qualified you must have suffered an injury or illness that was caused by an accident or incident - such as a car crash, industrial accident at work, injury while playing sports - due to which you sustained a physical impairment, lost an organ or limb, were injured in combat with another person who was not involved in the incident (e.g. shooting), etc., and had your right of action enforceable against any responsible party. The qualified applicant must have or have had at least one of these conditions: lung cancer, heart attack, spinal cord injury, brain injury and any other injury that required long-term hospitalization treatment. If the legal claim is for wrongful death of a person you must be the surviving spouse of the deceased or a child or parent. The company has a network of lawyers and firms in each state who are willing to work on contingent fees.
Nowadays, there are many companies who offer help with structured settlements. Although there are many companies like this, it is important not to rush your decision because there are more bad companies than good ones. It is important to do your homework before you choose a company.
Some companies give false promises, others do not have the financial strength to fulfill their promises or even worse have a fraudulent activity. So it is very important that you research your options prior to making a decision and asking for help.
You can find companies like this by doing a Google search or contacting the Better Business Bureau, if they are not on their list it means they are not reputable. 
There are quite a few things that must be considered before looking for help. It is important to look for the companies who take care of the needs of their clients and treat them with respect and integrity.
The decision whether to seek out a company to help with a structured settlement must be decided with care because it is not only about receiving money, and if the company can actually help you.
It is also about the satisfaction that you will get from the relationship and your experience with them.
If you are considering getting help from a structured settlement company, or any other authority or firm, research them first. 
One of the best ways to do this is to ask for references -contacts of people they have already assisted- and contact them to find out if they were satisfied with their services and if they received what was promised.
Another way to do this is to ask them for their Business License and have it examined by your local county clerk.
For more information or for questions about your State's law or about how to avoid a scam, please refer to your state's website.
If you are in the United States, you can visit the following websites: and
You can also contact: 
Better Business Bureau
Phone: 1-800-834-5448 (1-800-835-7086) Fax: 1-866-310-0110  Email:
State Attorney General's Office
Phone: 1-800-HELP-411 Fax: 1-800-850-3881 Email:
For more information you can contact me using my contact page. 
If you are in Canada, you can visit the following websites: and You can also contact the following organizations:  Consumer Protection Branch (http:/ /
If you are in the United Kingdom, you can visit the following websites: and You can also contact:
Consumer Direct
Phone: 0845 606 1230 (1pmon-7pm Mon-Fri,10am-5pm Sat) Email:
For more information please contact me using my contact page or visit my website at  
Here is a recent article that talks about these scam artists and their practices...
Here is the link to a very good structured settlement analysis that you can use to see if a company is involved in a scam and not able to deliver on their promises...
Here is a good scam blog that talks about what to do if you are a scam victim or you think that you have been scammed...
Here is another interesting article talking about the dangers of buying a structured settlement…
And finally here is an interesting video that talks about the danger of buying a structured settlement...
This post was submitted by Ryan Yu , Author at The USA Culture Blog . You can follow Ryan on Google+ . Add Ryan on Linkedin .

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