Five Best Practices For Dominating The Search Engines


 Five Best Practices For Dominating The Search Engines

There are countless factors that play into how you rank in Google search. The key is to run the engine through these five best practices so that you can dominate and keep rankings looking nice for a really long time.

The first step is to study your keywords. You can always analyze the current keywords people are searching for, or ask customers what they're looking for next. This information will help guide you when designing websites, social media posts, blog posts and landing pages as well as optimizing SEO on each one of those platforms. Next, build content with new traffic in mind- your target audience wants info that's going to help them solve a problem or make money (or better yet both!).

When you can, get people to backlink to your content. This is an important step but not one that you're going to have total control over. For example, you can't make people link back to your social media posts or your blog posts. But you can link back to interesting articles that help support the content you've made, and point out pages on your site that are about the same topics.

Make sure those sites are relevant for the keywords you want to target. If you want to optimize your blog posts for keywords that relate to beauty, Pinterest is not going to be a good candidate for backlinks. The same thing goes with Twitter, Facebook and YouTube.

On the other hand, Google+ has more than 360 million users. Use this social network when you have a specific message you want people to spread and have a high likelihood of being shared by their friends, followers or subscribers.

Create quality content by researching what sells within your niche and talk about it in a way that adds value. Make sure your products or services are well-designed and informative . That's what people will come back to look at time after time.

To get more traffic on your website, use a web analytics program. This lets you pinpoint what pages are getting the most hits and also helps you track email signups, social media shares and more.

Keep that data in your back pocket and review it every few months to make sure things really are working for you. Keep in mind that once you start seeing the payoffs from this strategy, it's going to take a while for results to show up in the form of higher search engine rankings.

After reading this article about 5 best practices for dominating the search engines, I feel confident about SEO due to my knowledge of backlinking links and creating great content keywords related to my business goals. I feel like I have a strong grasp on how to get my website ranked higher in the search engines.

Article Source:

Five Best Practices For Dominating The Search Engines

By: Grace Marcum

April 30, 2012

In today's world, using search engines is one of the best ways for businesses to get noticed and promote their products or services. Although there are many factors that play into how you rank in search engines, the key is to run the engine through these five best practices so that you can dominate and keep rankings looking nice for a really long time.

The first step is to study your keywords. You can always analyze the current keywords people are searching for, or ask customers what they're looking for next. This information will help guide you when designing websites, social media posts, blog posts and landing pages as well as optimizing SEO on each one of those platforms. Next, build content with new traffic in mind- your target audience wants info that's going to help them solve a problem or make money (or better yet both!).

When you can, get people to backlink to your content. This is an important step but not one that you're going to have total control over. For example, you can't make people link back to your social media posts or your blog posts. But you can link back to interesting articles that help support the content you've made, and point out pages on your site that are about the same topics.

Make sure those sites are relevant for the keywords you want to target. If you want to optimize your blog posts for keywords that relate to beauty, Pinterest is not going to be a good candidate for backlinks. The same thing goes with Twitter, Facebook and YouTube.

On the other hand, Google+ has more than 360 million users. Use this social network when you have a specific message you want people to spread and have a high likelihood of being shared by their friends, followers or subscribers.

Create quality content by researching what sells within your niche and talk about it in a way that adds value. Make sure your products or services are well-designed and informative . That's what people will come back to look at time after time.

To get more traffic on your website, use a web analytics program. This lets you pinpoint what pages are getting the most hits and also helps you track email signups, social media shares and more.

Keep that data in your back pocket and review it every few months to make sure things really are working for you. Keep in mind that once you start seeing the payoffs from this strategy, it's going to take a while for results to show up in the form of higher search engine rankings.

After reading this article about 5 best practices for dominating the search engines, I feel confident about SEO due to my knowledge of backlinking links and creating great content keywords related to my business goals. I feel like I have a strong grasp on how to get my website ranked higher in the search engines.

Article Source:

Five Best Practices For Dominating The Search Engines

By: Grace Marcum

April 30, 2012

In today's world, using search engines is one of the best ways for businesses to get noticed and promote their products or services. Although there are many factors that play into how you rank in search engines, the key is to run the engine through these five best practices so that you can dominate and keep rankings looking nice for a really long time. The first step is to study your keywords. You can always analyze the current keywords people are searching for, or ask customers what they're looking for next. This information will help guide you when designing websites, social media posts, blog posts and landing pages as well as optimizing SEO on each one of those platforms. Next, build content with new traffic in mind- your target audience wants info that's going to help them solve a problem or make money (or better yet both!). When you can, get people to backlink to your content. This is an important step but not one that you're going to have total control over. For example, you can't make people link back to your social media posts or your blog posts.


Make sure those sites are relevant for the keywords you want to target. If you want to optimize your blog posts for keywords that relate to beauty, Pinterest is not going to be a good candidate for backlinks. The same thing goes with Twitter, Facebook and YouTube. On the other hand, Google+ has more than 360 million users. Use this social network when you have a specific message you want people to spread and have a high likelihood of being shared by their friends, followers or subscribers.

Create quality content by researching what sells within your niche and talk about it in a way that adds value. Make sure your products or services are well-designed and informative . That's what people will come back to look at time after time.

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