Earn Money While Helping Others Improve Their Health with Low Level Laser Therapy


 Earn Money While Helping Others Improve Their Health with Low Level Laser Therapy

Do you have a headache, back pain, joint pain, arthritis, or other health condition that limits your ability to work? Don't worry! There are many ways for people with chronic health conditions to earn extra money. One of the most effective methods is low level laser therapy at home.

This article will teach you how and why it works so well. It also includes tips on how to begin earning money with this method while helping others improve their lives. So let's begin.

How Does It Work?
First, let's explain how low level laser therapy (LLLT) works. In a nutshell, LLLT uses a light source that is capable of creating small amounts of heat to cells and tissues. Depending on the wavelength of light used, it can have several healing effects on the body. This method is also known as photobiomodulation and biostimulation therapy. Here are some benefits you might experience by using this treatment:
In addition to these benefits, LLLT offers many others and has been scientifically proven to improve many health issues in an array of conditions from arthritic pain to chronic pain to cancer .
To begin earning money by using this method, you need to have a few medical devices that are easily portable and can safely be used at home. These devices must meet strict safety standards developed by the FDA and described in the FDA's document: "Safety of Medical Devices." You can find a link to it at the bottom of this article.
Here are things you will need to consider before buying these devices:
The device must be UL listed (this means it was certified by Underwriters Laboratories, an independent organization that tests and certifies medical devices according to their quality and performance). A certificate of compliance is provided upon purchase.
The device must also meet all U.S. safety standards. These standards are developed by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and are published in a document called the "Medical Device User Facility Device Report."
The device must also meet all relevant International Standards Organization (ISO) guidelines.
The device must have an approved label indicating that it is approved for use by healthcare professionals in European Union countries, as well as other countries worldwide.
When purchasing these medical devices, you will want to make sure you get one that meets all of these guidelines . So before buying a laser device, look for the following: UL Listed certificate of compliance U.S. FDA Medical Device User Facility Device Report ISO certification Label from the European Union
Here are some examples of medical devices that you can use for LLLT:
FDA Safety Standards for Photobiomodulation Devices
When choosing a device, please keep in mind that the FDA has strict guidelines for medical devices that must be met before they can be sold in the U.S. These guidelines are detailed in the FDA's document called "Medical Device User Facility Device Report."
This report contains all of the safety standards a device must meet according to U.S. law, and also includes many safety tests and requirements which are surpassingly more stringent than international standards.
These requirements include:
The report also includes a table of medical devices and their risk classifications as well as examples of medical devices that have been classified in low risk or higher risk categories. You can access the FDA's user facility report by clicking here .
LLLT Devices Available for Use outside of U.S.
Luckily, there are many devices available for purchase outside of the U.S. that meet the FDA standards for safety and effectiveness and which do not require FDA approval before being purchased. Most LLLT devices that are sold in foreign countries are manufactured in Canada, Asia, or Europe.
There is no FDA equivalent agency in Canada or Europe, so medical devices sold in those countries are not required to undergo independent testing.
However, all medical devices sold within the European Union (EU) must be CE (Conformite Europeene) certified. The CE certification is equivalent to FDA approval .
Many LLLT machines can be bought from many different companies for about $100 - $300. Here are just a few of the companies that manufacture high quality LLLT machines:
The following websites provide information on these products and sellers:
Here is a great article with more information about LLLT and how it works: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22444447
Here is a great article about laser hair removal: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/19159549
Here is a great article about the effectiveness of LLLT with knee osteoarthritis: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/20588848
Here is a great article about the effectiveness of LLLT for shoulder pain: http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22353071
Other tumors treated with photobiomodulation include lung cancer, melanoma, breast cancer, cervical cancer and non-melanoma skin cancers. Photobiomodulation is also used to treat various chronic pain conditions such as arthritis, fibromyalgia, carpal tunnel syndrome and other joint pain conditions.
Also keep in mind that LLLT can be used for many different health problems including obesity, heart disease , high blood pressure, high cholesterol , and atherosclerosis .
There is even talk about using LLLT for acne scars and stretch marks.
If you are experiencing any of these symptoms and want to try this treatment, I hope these tips will help you. To learn more about photobiomodulation and how to use it safely, visit the official website of the FDA's medical device user facility report: http://www.medicaldevicesafety.gov/summaries/summaries-photobiomodulation-devices
To learn more about UL listed medical devices: http://www.ul.com/products/product_backstory/?id=219
To learn more about safety standards for LLLT machines: http://www.medicaldeviceuserfacility.

If you are interested in LLLT, it may be best to buy the device outside of the U.S., however the FDA's report is rather thorough and it may be worth your while to find out if a device has been independently safety tested by a reputable lab.
There are many companies that manufacture this technology and they are not all equal. A few companies sell devices which meet FDA standards while others do not. Your money should be well spent on one that meets FDA standards. Please remember that there is no research stating that LLLT will cure any disease and before using these devices with serious conditions, please consult your health care professional for advice about their safety and potential for helping you manage your condition.

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