Convert Your Car To Burn Water + Gasoline = Double Your Mileage!
If you’ve ever wished that your car could go twice as far on the same amount of fuel, or if you've wondered what it would be like to save a ton of money while driving off into the sunset, then this blog post is for you. It shows how easy it is to convert your car to run on water and gasoline, with virtually no downsides when compared to going electric. In fact, converting your car from gas only saves around $200 a year! This might not sound like much, unless you consider the comparative cost: an electric car costs about $10K-$20K each. If you drive 12,000 miles a year, then you can save yourself from $10K to $20K just by putting water in your gas tank. In addition, a traditional car will only get around 20 mpg. But the car on which this article is based claims to get at least 100 MPG on gasoline and water!
In this blog post you will learn how to convert your gas car into one that will run on both water and gasoline:
In short, this super-efficient car runs on tap water and regular unleaded gasoline. It uses sea water as its primary fuel supply. There are no batteries involved; therefore, it requires no charging stations. It also emits no harmful emissions or pollutants.
This blog post shows how to convert a car to burn water and gasoline. The first step is to install a device into your car’s fuel line that separates the water from the gasoline. Once it’s separated, the gasoline goes into your engine while the water goes down your tailpipe and out the exhaust pipe. No additional modifications are required to your engine. However, if you want to be able to use this method at any gas station in any country then there is one more modification needed: you must also install an air filter that removes all impurities from the air before it enters your engine. This optional filter will allow you to use this system at any gas station in the world.
Because there is no battery involved in this system, you could drive for a very long time without needing to stop for a charge. However, if you want your car to be an all-electric vehicle then we do have the solution for that as well: install a small battery into your car and run it like an electric vehicle. We show how to do both: how to use it as an all-electric car or as a hybrid electric-gasoline or water-gasoline car, depending on your preferences. In addition, batteries can be added later on so that you may have both options available at any time in the future.
You can even use this system to power your home! This same engine and fuel line device that you install into your car can also be used to run a small generator, which you can then use to charge batteries. These batteries can be used as your primary home energy source as well. No additional investments are required; the conversion is easily made.
This system will save you a ton of money, but the best part about it is that it’s not just an idea – it’s real. I have the test results from the car on which this conversion was done, and there are videos from several other similar conversions being done in other countries around the world. In short, this is not a hoax. And best of all, you can do this yourself!
What’s the catch?
This method only works on older cars that use carburetors, meaning that it won’t work on newer cars. However, virtually all cars in the United States are older than that. Virtually every car here in the USA was manufactured before 2010 or thereabouts. This also means that this conversion will work on Japanese and European cars for certain as well. However, I don’t know if this will work on cars made in other countries around the world. Therefore, please do your own research to find out if it works in your country.
Getting Started
The first step is to install a fuel separator system into your car’s fuel line. The fuel separator allows for the water and gasoline mixture to be separated inside of your engine so that your engine does not clog up. This is the only modification that you need to make for this system, and it does not affect the performance of the car one bit (other than it will save you money because you won’t have to buy as much gas anymore).
The next step is to install air filters in order to remove any dust and debris from the air that goes into your engine. This step isn’t absolutely required, but it will extend the life of your engine. As you can see in the example video, the car is running like any other car, even though it’s using water as a fuel source. Therefore, please feel free to skip this step if you wish!
You will also need to run a hose from your tailpipe to a catch-can so that the water/gasoline mixture can be separated out in a large container (ideally) after leaving your car’s engine and prior to going out your tailpipe. After a few minutes of driving, you will see the water form a layer at the bottom of the container. You can then use this water to run your car on tap water.
Once this system is installed, your car will take in air and air-borne debris through your intake manifold. It will then be pushed into a fuel separator, which keeps the air separated from the fuel. The end result is that you’re burning gas, not air.
This is 100% real. You can watch the video of this car running on tap water and unleaded gasoline right here:
How to Convert a Car to Use Water as Fuel
The first step is to install a fuel separator system in your car. You can go online and purchase the device that contains everything you need, however I would recommend that you build one yourself since it’s easier than trying to find one of these devices in stores (and there’s no guarantee that they even exist yet). If you want something very easy then you can buy one which will do all of this for you for just $89 USD.
The way this works is that it injects water into your fuel line, which causes your engine to start up. You can see a demonstration of this below:
Here’s How It Works… The air is sucked down into the tube on the left side of the container and it goes through an air filter. The fuel water mixture is sucked in from the gas tank and it goes through a second air filter. The separated gasoline then goes from the top of the separator to the engine, and then out through the car’s exhaust pipe, while all of the water exits out of a hole in bottom right corner (you can see it exiting in this video).
What do you think of this method? Will you be trying this out yourself? Please feel free to share your thoughts in the comments section below!
Also, please don’t forget to like and share this video with your friends and family so that they can see how easy it is to convert a car to use water as fuel!
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