7 Ways to Stop Chasing Decision Makers


 7 Ways to Stop Chasing Decision Makers

Finding the right decision maker to make a purchase decision is important, but following up with them can be a real pain. Here are 7 ways to stop chasing decision makers and get the sale closed.

1) Consider your contact approach: 
Do you want a phone call or an email? 
What is your timing like? 
2) Get creative with your follow-up: 
Send thank-you cards, send them to their boss, ask for an introduction via LinkedIn, etc.
3) Send escalation emails when you don't hear back: Send escalations weekly if not daily (for example "Hey, I haven't heard from you in awhile - just wanted to check in. You'll be in Brussels next week, right? Can we schedule that call or meetup next week during that time?")
4) Say "no" and move on. 
Don't be afraid to let the decision maker know you're not interested in pursuing a relationship with them. If they mess up a sale it's their loss, not yours.
5) Bring a friend: If you are chasing the decision maker and not getting anywhere, invite another person to go with you.
6) Ask the decision maker on a date:  If you are chasing the decision maker and not getting anywhere, ask them for a date. Yes, that's right. You heard me. Be brave.
7) Try a different approach: 
Sometimes all you have to do is switch up your approach and be more aggressive in trying to close that sale. Maybe it works, maybe it doesn't, but at least you tried something new!
What are some tips and tricks you have when chasing decisions makers? Please share them with us in the comments below.

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