7 Ways to Get to the Truth : When the Sale "Disappears"
Have you ever felt like a good deal seems too good to be true? Did the salesperson upsell you relentlessly, and then disappear just as suddenly as they arrived? If this has happened to you, it's time to get tougher. In this post, we share 7 ways to get the truth out of any situation — even when it seems that there's no way out.
Start by asking why the deal disappeared.
How did the salesperson disappear? Are you being told to contact her manager, or are you being told that she doesn't really work there? If salespeople aren't willing to give you their phone number or email address, it's a good sign that they're hiding something. Take down their name and job title and then ask for them to repeat themselves. If they won't provide any information about how to reach them, move on because they probably don't want you to reach out.
Ask who else can offer the same deal.
The seller may tell you that the deal was only available at a particular location in order to get rid of you. But if you can find a competing retailer, ask how long that location has been selling the item. You might be just one of many people who wanted the deal.
You don't have to accept any crumbs or secondhand information from anyone but the person who sold you the product, so be careful about what you accept and don't accept about other retailers or deals.
Ask for proof that you were the only person interested in this deal .
If the salesperson refuses to provide any information about other people who wanted this product — or if no one else knows anything — then move on to a different retailer because they're not being completely honest with you.
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