True wealth is celebrating the present moment.

True wealth is celebrating the present moment.     If you want to be wealthy, don't wait for something to happen in the future before declaring yourself rich. True wealth is celebrating the present moment and letting yourself live fully in the moment. Enjoying your life right now will allow you to be free of fear and worry because you know life is good. Start by taking a few breaths and paying attention to where you are; notice what's around you - maybe even try taking a sip of your favourite drink. Let go of what comes next and be here now.   When you feel more relaxed, let your thoughts move forward and think about the things you want to do.

True wealth is celebrating the present moment.

    If you want to be wealthy, don't wait for something to happen in the future before declaring yourself rich. True wealth is celebrating the present moment and letting yourself live fully in the moment. Enjoying your life right now will allow you to be free of fear and worry because you know life is good.
Start by taking a few breaths and paying attention to where you are; notice what's around you - maybe even try taking a sip of your favourite drink. Let go of what comes next and be here now.

When you feel more relaxed, let your thoughts move forward and think about the things you want to do. Don't worry that they can't happen yet - think about them, even if it feels like a dream. How would you love to play on this beautiful day? What lessons would you learn now if you were to spend the day at sea with a kayak or surfing?

The unexpected is an opportunity for joy, every bit as accurate as the next predictable event. You can create an abundance by being present for the gift of these moments.

Repeat these phrases often: "I am rich" and "I am alive.
Allow yourself to relax into the moment again. Remind yourself, "I am rich."
True wealth is celebrating the present moment.

Some people may try to tell you that absence of everything you want in your life will make you rich. But if you accept this premise and act as though it were true, it's likely that sooner or later, your scarcity will get the best of you, causing stress and emotional turmoil. The truth is that neither being rich nor poor prevents hardship from hurting us, but neither does wealth guarantee peace of mind and contentment. 

We must be willing to live without a desire for material things to allow ourselves to be happy and fully alive. The wealth we acquire will not bring satisfaction, but the wealth we achieve by taking in the wonders of nature and people around us, understanding their needs and striving to serve them well.

Being natural, spontaneous and vulnerable is rich.
True wealth is celebrating the present moment.   Wealthy or affluent people are not necessarily those with a lot of money; they value their lives and enjoy daily, independent of what happens.
Being happy with ordinary life is being rich beyond measure.
Friendships that last a lifetime and families that grow more connected each generation enrich our lives profoundly.

Being natural, spontaneous and vulnerable is rich.
It is easy to make a hard life sound appealing, but in reality, it is not a worthy goal for humanity.
When we are rich, we are relaxed, contented, appreciative and think more clearly.
True wealth is celebrating the present moment.   The goal of wealth-building should not be to acquire something in the future; it should be to enjoy what you want now and appreciate the value you already have in your life.
It's not what you have or what you own that makes your life rich; it's how you live your life that counts most of all.

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